Channel: bad guys – Legends of Windemere
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Party in the Caster Swamp

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The Lich- Do we have a question to work with here?

General Vile- I believe we are supposed to discuss being villains and our various motivations.

Trinity- There aren’t many of us here.  The big boys were told to stay out of this since nobody knows about them.

Yola Biggs- I’m a villain?

Nyder Fortune- Well, you’re not exactly a good guy.  Maybe it’s best that you sit there and play with some string.  We each have our own reasons for being who we are.  Maybe we give the audience a good variety.

Hellfire Elf- I was summoned to kill and that is my only reason.

Vile- I enjoy the challenge since my master is the only one to offer a halfling like myself a position of power.  Very few of my people are generals since we are more of a naval force.

Lich- That’s your reason?  I thought you simply enjoy killing people in honorable combat and uncovering secrets.

Vile- I was hoping to come off as more noble and thoughtful.  Not that I would expect much from a power-hungry coward like you.

Lich- I’ll have you know that I’m highly loyal to my dark master.  More so than any of you.  I know how each of you plot against him or prefer to stay in the safety of his shadow.

Nyder-  I was about to agree with you until that last crack.  For those of us who don’t fight, our master’s shadow is where we belong.  Without me, those precious Weapon Dragons and other toys that all of you depend on wouldn’t exist.

Yola Biggs-  Like that bar of bubble stuff that you keep throwing at my head?

Vile- That’s soap and he didn’t throw it.  You ate it because you mistook it for candy.  Did anyone notice how quiet Trinity is?

Nyder- I think she’s uncomfortable considering she falls into a different category than the rest of us.  Each one of us has a selfish reason for being with our dark master.  My lust for dark knowledge, the Lich wants power, Vile wants battle, and Yola . . . I don’t think she can even spell reason so she doesn’t count.

Trinity- And I’m here because my people are basically hostages.  If I turn against our master then my people will suffer.  I’m the suffering villain who can go any direction depending on events.  Though, I really do hate Nyx, so I guess I have a little in common with all of you.

Yola-  Yay!  She likes us!

Hellfire Elf-  I’m still not sure what we’re doing here.  I expected more humor considering how these things tend to degrade.

Lich-  It’s possible that we’re more serious and mature than the heroes.

Vile-  Is that a good or a bad thing?

Nyder-  I think it’s something that means this little chat is at an end.  After all, we voiced our reasons to the best of our ability and enticed people to read the books.  Then again, I’m background and Vile doesn’t get to really shine until Book 5.  It’s all about the Lich and Trinity some days.

Yola-  Don’t forget about . . . ‘Bob’.  Such an odd name.

Trinity-  Just thinking about that monster makes my skin crawl.  I can’t wait until he’s out in the open and we get to see what readers think of him.  Truly a disgusting, horrific, arrogant bastard.

Hellfire Elf-  Now, I’m curious about this ‘Bob’.

Vile- Do you think it’s too mean to tease about a book that’s still a few months away?

Lich- We’re villains.  It’s what we do.

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